Spring Opening

Spring Opening 6x6 Acrylic on  Canvas.jpg
Spring Opening 6x6 Side View.jpg
Spring Opening 6x6 Acrylic on  Canvas.jpg
Spring Opening 6x6 Side View.jpg

Spring Opening


There's hope buried in the hillsides and on the prairies. Just as sure as the sun will rise in the morning, these elegant wildflowers, the Prairie Crocuses, will rise from their hibernation. With their beautiful openings, they let us know the long winter has withdrawn and Spring has finally arrived. However, as we gladly receive their magnificent renewal, be aware they aren't crocuses at all but a member of the bellflower family. Another lesson learned in the wild - be curious and peel back the layers of discovery.

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6” x 6” Acrylic on a Deep Canvas with the details of the painting continuing around the edge